Short overview copy of what the page is about, what people might find here, and—if necessary—how to use it.
Pilot activities are led by HPSRIs based in India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, South Korea, and Sri Lanka, alongside regional training programs and learning platforms. Financial support ranging from $25,000 – $150,000 is being provided by the USAID Asia Bureau, with additional co-funding and in-kind support by the pilot organizations, the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (the Alliance), the Asia-Pacific Network for Health Systems Strengthening (ANHSS), the Leadership for Universal Health Coverage (L4UHC), the Philippines Department of Health – Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau, and Providing for Health (P4H). Pilots will operate from Fall 2022 through early Summer 2023.
The Accelerator and the Alliance will accompany these activities and serve as a learning partner to facilitate coordination and collaboration, as well as capture and amplify lessons for the benefit of the global health systems community. The Accelerator, the Alliance, and implementing partners will regularly communicate updates and engagement opportunities via blogs and meetings shared through the Asia HPSR co-creation community.
Following the May 2021 Convening →, co-creation participants formed action groups around key priority areas.Over the last several months, these groups have been refining ideas to strengthen the HPSR ecosystem and achieve the vision they co-developed last year.
Meet the people behind The Accelerator.
Our team is compiled of a diverse group of experts that drive innovation, and applies new perspectives on integrated health systems strengthening.
This website was produced for the U.S. Agency for International Development. It was prepared under the terms of Cooperative Agreement No. 7200-AA-18CA-00037 awarded to Results for Development (R4D). The contents are the responsibility of R4D and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government.